ALEJANDRO by Alejandro Di Paz se preocupa por romper con estereotipos. Mezclando lo milenario con nuevas tendencias. Involucrando al artesano para conseguir prendas únicas y hechas a mano. No somos una compañía de moda rápida.
Crecer conjuntamente a los artesanos. Me motiva mucho el gran arte de diseños en todo Bolivia. No solamente es preservar diferentes técnicas, diseños y culturas milenarias. Se trata de ser responsable en todo el proceso de reciclaje, elaboración, producción y distribución.
Elevar la moda Boliviana desde NYC para el mundo. Bolivia tiene muy buena mano de obra, que debe ser rescatada y encaminada para su mejor posicionamiento en el mundo de la moda.
Respetar legendarias técnicas con un enfoque al milenio y las nuevas tendencias. Tenemos una responsabilidad social; Hacer prendas que no requieran el sacrificio de un ser vivo, ni la contaminación del medio ambiente.
Responsabilidad social
Tenemos un compromiso con todos los artesanos Bolivianos. La falta de remuneración, las malas condiciones de trabajo, deben finalizar. Realizar estos trabajos toma tiempo y la habilidad de manejar todas estas técnicas heredadas. Esta es nuestra responsabilidad ante la sociedad y generaciones futuras.
The look. Hoodie with scarf, extra long belt with scarf.
Handmade gloves.
Crochet gloves.
Extra long belts lavender.
Extra long belts and scarves.
Extra long belts, earth colors.
The extra long belts, los cinturones y bufandas extra largas.
The extra long belts, los cinturones extra largos, idea bufanda.
Extra large belts, cinturones extra largos con idea bufanda.
Cinturones extra largos de macrame con mariposa nocturna, Carpe Noctem
The belt accessory in gray with the "twisted love" shawl and "twisted ways" bracelets.
It's all about the new belt accessory in gray with the "twisted love" shawl and "twisted ways" bracelets.
It's all about the new belt accessory in gray with the "twisted love" shawl and "twisted ways" bracelets.
Classic. Macrame mode lavander
All macrame with secret pockets.
Macrame mode in shades of purple.
Todo macrame en morado
Classic. All macrame in the Pantone color of 2022
Classic. Macrame mode en lavanda
All macrame mode with secret pockets.
Classic. Macrame mode gris plateado
Classic. Macrame mode en plateado y oro.
Macrame mode en plateado y oro
Classic. Macrame mode en plateado y oro
Macrame mode gris plateado
Twisted love shawl/scarf with pockets
Macrame mode gris plateado
Macrame mode gris plateado
Macrame mode gris plateado
Macrame mode en puro color oro
Macrame mode en puro color oro
Macrame mode en puro color oro
Hermosas creaciones hechas sobre todo a mano. En lo posible, preservando y respetando el medio ambiente. Un resultado del trabajo, creatividad de grandes artesanos de la marca. Resaltando y rescatando únicas creaciones con toques milenarios. Exclusividad en cada prenda. Toma unas semanas o meses crear un diseño.
"Zipper mode" En gris claro y oscuro, con lentejuelas al interior de los cierres, reversible en cuero o en tela. Un estilo único de la marca, solamente para pedidos exclusivos
"Zipper mode"
En gris claro y oscuro, con lentejuelas al interior de los cierres, reversible en cuero o en tela. Un estilo único de la marca, solamente para pedidos exclusivos
Light grey zipper, with sequins inside! reversible on the other side with light grey leather. Secret pockets and unique macrame in leather! A truly unique piece!
Cuero con seda gris al reverso. Macramé de cuero negro y bolsillos secretos.
"Rebellious" manta de cuero negro, con macramé y flecos en cuero! Una verdadera obra! Reversible en seda gris con bolsillos secretos
Bufanda con macrame
Éclipse, Cuero negro con círculos de lentejuelas grises. Reversible en seda gris con bolsillos secretos. Un sueño
Cuero negro con círculos de lentejuelas grises. Reversible en seda gris, con bolsillos secretos. Un sueño
Éclipse, Cuero negro con círculos de lentejuelas grises.
Éclipse, Cuero negro con círculos de lentejuelas grises. Reversible en seda gris con bolsillos secretos. Un sueño
Bufanda, manta de cuero con seda al reverso. Círculos de lentejuelas y macramé en cuero! Una pieza única!
Poncho de cuero negro reversible de vaca.
Poncho de cuero reversible, pedidos exclusivos
Poncho de cuero de vaca en negro
Saco, The red & black roses edition
Saco, The red & black roses edition. Forrado con gris/silver. Para la fiesta de la película, "Tu me manques" del director Boliviano, Rodrigo Bellott
Red & Black roses.
_Red & Black roses. Con baby Alpaca en el lado reversible, macrame de seda gris, con bolsillos secretos, sold out
Poncho de cuero de alpaca.
Poncho de cuero de alpaca. Color berenjena, eggplant, reversible
Sequins everywhere. A grey coat for special occasions!
Grey sequins with silk grey lining.
Abrigo de lentejuelas con forro gris
Abrigo de lentejuelas grises con forro de seda gris
Burgundy suit. February 2016, London, UK
Cover for CANDID magazine 2016
Silk burgundy suit.
Anelisse Ugalde QuirózCliente
Me encanta todos los diseños que haces Alejandro, la mantilla de macramé que adquirí, es un éxito en Colombia,
el país en el que resido. Gracias Ale Di Paz, por tenerme a la vanguardia de la moda fusión, boho-chic y más!
Viviana LimpiasCliente
Alejandro, I am proud to have two of your unique handwoven shawls.
One made with pure red silkchiffon, grey and black macrame.
The other one is a lightweight grey baby alpaca with animal print on the other side. The shawls are very elegant,
classy and have a contemporary style. I have received many compliments from friends and strangers.
Who always admire the texture and the handwoven macrame. My shawls are always kept in my wardrobe because,
the versatility of their style offers me great possibilities to wear them at any time!
Thank you again for your fabulous creativity and taste!
Antonio PardoCliente
I was devastared when I heard that face mask mandate was back in effect in PTown for Carnival week… until @alejandrobyalejandrodipaz came to save the day.
I not only had fun wearing this sequin mask but it also went well with my funky necklace. I know, it was over the top yet trendy and fancy, and I felt like I was in heaven.
Looking forward to more designs and products that will take my style to the next level.
You’re the best @alejandrobyalejandrodippaz!
Peio CuevasCliente
The first time I saw an Alejandro Di Paz piece. It was a beautiful silk scarf that a friend showed me, two months later I got my first scarf in a pop up store at, Adel Atelier. It was love at first sight! It is a long scarf, mix of grey silk chiffon and Aguayo textile, with long grey fringes, that remind me his Bolivian roots. It is a stunning piece that I’m so proud to wear it, as much as I can. After, I got a silver sequins t-shirt. I wore it and I felt like the King of the night! Lately I’m loving the personalized masks. I got 2, because you can be stylish, safe, while also wearing a mask.
Carlos Barreto.Cliente
I loved Alejandro’s accessories. I bought one of his scarfs for a gift and they are trendy, and original. The quality is awesome.
My friend really likes the present and tells me all the time how much she loves her scarf.
Vavada бонуси за регистрирани играчи
За да мотивира и насърчи комарджиите, администрацията е създала набори от бонус залози за тези, които току-що са създали акаунт и използват портала от дълго време. Наградите включват безплатни завъртания, залози и пари, които се изплащат със или без депозит. Всички видове подаръци са обединени от едно изискване - можете да изтеглите бонус доход само след превъртане на пълната сума за реална валута. За да го изпълнят, геймърите попълват баланса на депозита в размер на спечеления джакпот, като вземат предвид коефициента на залагане. След това те харчат тези пари в различни симулатори, докато печалбите от допълнителния баланс не бъдат прехвърлени в основния.
Сега начинаещите и редовните участници в онлайн клуба се радват на следните стимули:
Изплаща се като награда без депозит в размер на 100 безплатни завъртания. Завъртанията могат да се изразходват на един барабан с висока възвръщаемост, което гарантира солидна печалба - Great Pigsby vavada 100 free spins. Можете да го завъртите на всяка друга машина със залог x20. От момента на активиране на завъртанията до тегленето на джакпота, геймърът има само 14 дни. След изтичането им добитата печалба се изгаря.
Депозирането на средства между 1 лв и 1000 лв се възнаграждава с двоен множител. Увеличението идва в бонус сметката и се изразходва като приоритет преди основния баланс на всички барабани и маси. Коефициентът на превъртане е x35. Усилването на подаръка е валидно за 2 седмици.